by architect Dayton Wang. nfs. can be commissioned to james fairly.
1. How did you get started in creating your work?
The idea started from wanting to upcycle leftover material from my kitchen renovation to make something beautiful out of common off-the-shelf material. The design was informed by the scrap pieces from the kitchen- oak veneer plywood plank, black plastic laminate plywood and oak hardwood trim pieces. I kept the scrapes nearly true to size creating a composition that functions as furniture.
2. Where do you draw your inspiration from?
Japanese architecture, indigenous architecture, nature, interdisciplinary design (graphic design, industrial design, fine arts).
3. Where do you currently create your work?
Most of my work is on the computer unfortunately, but when I’m building something I work outside- in a garage or anywhere where there is an outlet.
4. Where do you see yourself as a designer/ maker in the future 3 years from now?
I would like to collaborate more with contractors and craftsmen to create project specific furniture and custom architectural details that push the boundaries of what is typical here.
5. Can you share a verbal interaction with someone that really enjoyed your design?
A gentleman had commented that the coffee table reminded him of elements of construction- walls, beams, roof and added that he saw a resemblance to the East-West Center by famed architect I.M. Pei.
6. If you were a chair, what type of chair would you be?
I would definitely be a lounge chair. Eero Saarinen’s womb chair is low key but comfortable and timeless.
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